Spiritual Prayer and Zone-Out Meditation for Good Health and Happiness

Spiritual prayer and zone-out meditation are essential tools for wellness and happiness. There is an energy aspect to wellness and happiness. Spiritual prayer and zone-out meditation will fill you with Divine, positive, healing energy. They will help get life force energy to flow freely through your body, while releasing energy/emotional blockages that impede this flow. This is important for wellness and happiness.

When the body and mind are relaxed and not stressed-out, the circulatory, digestive and other bodily systems work better to bring you good health. Your immune system and energy level will be boosted.

This positive, healing energy is life force energy and it is all around us. You can bring it into your body and cells through spiritual prayer and zone-out meditation. Daily spiritual prayer and zone-out meditation will bring you more inner peace and peace of mind. It will bring you a feeling of happiness, balance and contentment.

People sometimes feel they cannot devote the time to this practice. Start with small steps. Start with just 15 minutes a day and build up from there. You can do this anywhere- at home, on buses and trains, outside on a bench, in a restaurant or lobby.

Spiritual Prayer

Spiritual prayer is personal prayer from your heart. It comes from the energy aspects of your heart, otherwise known as the heart chakra. It is deep, individual prayer. It will connect you to your soul/higher self and God and help bring into your body a greater flow of Divine, life force energy. It can be done anywhere, anytime. Spiritual prayer does not require a church, temple, mosque or synagogue

No matter what your religion is (and even if you have no religion at all), you can connect with God through your soul/higher self and spiritual prayer from the heart. No matter what you have done, you can make this heart-felt connection. We are all children of the Most High Creator.

This connection with God is through pure unconditional love from your heart and soul. Through spiritual prayer, you help co-create goodness in the world by bringing in light and love.

Spiritual prayer is prayer to God in your own words. It is imperative that this type of prayer be from the heart center, because the heart chakra is the place we connect to the Divine through the energy of love.

Spiritual prayer will generate positive energy for your own health and happiness. It will help you achieve and maintain inner peace, happiness, contentment, balance and high vibrations. So, find time every day to engage in spiritual prayer and meditation.

When you engage in spiritual prayer, sit down, get relaxed and open up your heart. Close your eyes and center yourself in your heart.

The order of spiritual prayer is this:

1. Praising and glorifying God, 2. Giving thanks to God, 3. Asking for forgiveness from God and 4.forgiving all others and self and letting go and 4.Asking for protection and blessings. Also, pray from your heart for the happiness and healing of others and the world.

The most important aspect of spiritual prayer is to give thanks to God. You can do this anywhere and anytime. Also, take a moment to give thanks to God for your food and beverage and bless the same before you eat or drink.

Use your own words. Incorporate great prayers from religion that you can easily memorize, such as the Lord's Prayer. Send blessings to God from your heart.

Give thanks for all your blessings - for life, the beauty of life and nature, good health, body parts that work, shelter, food, loved ones, a job, abundance, etc. Give thanks for protection.

Next, ask for forgiveness for all sins - sins of thoughts, acts and speech. Ask God to forgive you and take these sins from you. Confess them directly to God. Offer them up to God and send love from your heart to God and the Divine. Tell God in your own words that you will try to do better. Feel the negative energy lift from you. Forgive yourself and all others.

Next, ask for protection and continued blessings including the blessings of life, good health, happiness and abundance. Ask for protections. Ask for blessings and protection for yourself and your loved ones.

Offer up all of your concerns and worries to God and the Divine from your heart and ask for help. Then stop dwelling on these concerns and worries. Be in the moment, be in the flow, be positive, smile and be happy. Live life without ongoing negative thoughts and have faith that help and insights will come.

Ask to be filled and surrounded with pure white light and visualize this happening. Ask for inner peace, peace of mind and high vibrations and joy and visualize that this happens while you ask. Smile gently.

You can pray anytime -mornings, afternoons, evenings. It does not take long and you will feel a lot better for it, as it fills you with positive energy.

Zone-Out Meditation

Zone-out meditation will put you into a pre-sleep state and will keep you there while you meditate. In this pre-sleep state, you will deeply relax and rest. This is a very healing state. In this state, your body will be filled with positive, Divine, healing energy. It will help bring you inner peace, peace of mind, high vibrations, happiness, balance and contentment.

Zone-out meditation is easy. Sit or lie down in a comfortable chair or bed and a quiet place. Get relaxed. Take your shoes and socks off. You can elevate your feet or place them on the floor. Close your eyes. Center yourself in your heart and focus only on your slow breaths in and out. Breathe slowly and rhythmically. If you are sitting, place your hands on your thighs, palms up and open.

At first, take deep cleansing breaths. As thoughts come in, re-focus on your breath. Let the thoughts gently fade. Bring the location of your consciousness into your heart and body and out of your head. Over time, you will drift into the pre-sleep state, and you won't need to consciously focus on your breath.

If it helps, listen to meditation music and/or recite prayer mantras from your heart like the Lord's Prayer. If you like, hold high vibration and calming crystals in your left hand or both hands or put them over your heart if you are lying down. These crystals include citrine, clear quartz, amethyst, rose quartz, fluorite, angel light and blue jasper among others.

Take a two minute meditation break anytime. This is especially helpful if you are stressed out or having ongoing negative thoughts. Close your eyes and center yourself in your heart. Smile gently. Slow your breath down. Take a few deep cleansing breaths. Take slow and rhythmic breaths. Focus only on your breaths in and out. As thoughts come in, re-focus on your breaths and let all thoughts drift away. Smile gently.


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